My dad recommended Three Cups of Tea, and of course I heard about it, as it seemed as if every book group in the country was reading it. I was kind of worried about starting it because I was afraid it would depict a nice white guy going to save the third world. Although I suppose that's what happened, the tone was humble and built on Greg Mortenson's interest in Pakistan and the people of Pakistan more than the cause. It was a slow read for me. I think it took almost a month. I don't read non-fiction quickly, probably because there's no plot to draw me along. There's just this set of events and then that set of events and then some more events, so I don't tend to wonder what is going to happen. I'm glad I read it because I can talk with my dad about it. As he is caring for my mom now, who has Alzheimer's, talking about books is one way for me to try to support him at a distance.
(All of the book images come from Amazon.)
Have you been told about the recent developments concerning this particular piece of "non-ficton"?