Saturday, August 14, 2010

ENGL 104 Blog Party Post 2010

Fantasy literature is for geeks. When the film Fellowship of the Ring, based on J. R. R. Tolkien’s book, came out in 2001, I saw it in Eureka, California with a crowd of people wearing cloaks. I’m frequently embarrassed to say that I read fantasy novels and love them. I’m even more embarrassed to say that I’m also writing a fantasy novel I started when I was a child.

At the recommendation of students over the course of some years, I began reading Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series. I had resisted for awhile because I’m not overly fond of the kind of sword-and-sorcery fantasy that relies primarily on brawny men and screaming women off on a quest. While Jordan’s work does not fit this Conan stereotype, it is a “chosen one” story, which is another pet peeve of mine regarding fantasy literature. I like stories where average people can do great things without having to be the son of Darth Vader. Yet, I do like Robert Jordan’s writing, so my inquiry question is, “Why do I like Robert Jordan’s writing?” After thinking about this topic for some months, my conclusions are: 1) I like the complexity of the world in which the story is set, 2) my personality type draws me to this kind of fantasy where the whole world of the story exists in my head, and 3) more broadly, given the crisis in reading, I need to recognize the benefits of escaping into a good book for no other purpose than pleasure.

1) I like the complexity of the world in which the story is set. During the first book, The Eye of the World, a group of characters sets out on a journey to take the “Dragon Reborn” Rand al’Thor to Tar Valon where he can prepare for the Last Battle with the “Dark One.” Notice the very stereotypical “chosen one” plot! This book was not my favorite because it just followed the characters from point A to point B.

However, the subsequent books continue to follow the main characters as they split up. They develop as characters, each with his or her own challenges and successes, and they travel to countries in this fictional world where the customs are very complex and different from one another. The farmlands of Two Rivers and the palace at Caemlyn are pretty standard fantasy fare, but there are also the desert-dwelling Aiel whose sense of honor is complicated. There is a port city inundated with mud where people in the lower parts of the city wear thick clogs to raise their shoes above the muck. In another city, the politics are deadly, and the nobles wonder feverishly whether others are moving against them in the Game of Houses, as in a chess match. Here is one example of the cultural detail Jordan provides:

Tairens in helmets rimmed and ridged, and breastplates over fat-sleeved coats striped in the colors of their various lords. Cairhienin in dark coast and battered breastplates and helmets like bells cut away to expose their faces. Small banners called con, on short staffs fastened to some men’s backs, marked minor Cairhienin nobility and younger sons, and sometimes merely officers, though few Cairhienin commoners rose to rank. Or Tairens, for that matter. The two nationalities did not mingle [. . .]. (97)

I like that the different soldiers have different armor reflecting their culture. The helmets for each kind of soldier have different structural elements, and the cloth portions of the uniforms have different ways of recognizing allegiance. I also like the politics depicted, that although these soldiers are traveling together, they don’t get along. So, the complexity of the world is very realistic. It makes the experience of reading the novels resemble a journey where they reader explores new cultures.

As the story follows the various characters, the pattern of the narrative becomes more complex as well, which is fun for avid readers who like challenges. There are about 10 characters the story follows, and the chapters zip among the events the characters encounter so that the narrative is like a patchwork or a jigsaw puzzle. This structure enlists the reader in putting the pieces together, and it makes me admire Jordan for keeping track of all the details from the tiny descriptions of helmets to the experiences of each of his characters. He does this not only in one 700-page book, but in a series of them. I can’t imagine the notes that would require!

2) My personality type draws me to this kind of fantasy where the whole world of the story exists in my head. There are many methods of categorizing personality, all ways of identifying the ways individuals process information, relate to the world, and gather energy. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, I am an INFJ—Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Judging. Based on these preferences, one might recognize that I am more inward-focused (introverting), I like abstract concepts and idealistic endeavors (intuiting), and I care about individuals and humane behavior (feeling). So, based on my preference for introversion and for feeling, it should be no surprise that I like to read. I enjoy living in my head and connecting emotionally with the lives of fictional characters. The intuiting aspect of my personality type indicates why I would like fantasy literature: fantasy is all about good vs. evil, light overcoming darkness, which is very idealistic. While I don’t see magic and elves in every corner, I do apply this idealism to my daily life, trying to do the right thing.

The aspect of personality that I think draws me most to Robert Jordan is introversion. My most powerful experience in studying the impact of my personality type on my preferences occurred at a summer 2008 workshop by Lee Knefelcamp that used the Kolb Learning Style Inventory. She used the inventory to divide up the participants, and I found myself in a group of people with similar preferences. We all liked ideas more than action, enjoyed complex intellectual tasks, found abstract theories to be “delicious,” sought knowledge in books, and liked to work alone. In other words, we were total geeks! The reason this experience connects particularly with Robert Jordan’s writing for me is that he puts a whole world into his series. For someone who likes to process information in her mind, having so much detail available to experience and think about makes the pleasure of the reading experience that much more powerful.

3) Given the crisis in reading, I need to recognize the benefits of escaping into a good book for no other purpose than pleasure. According to the 2004 National Endowment for the Arts report Reading at Risk, “literary reading in America is not only declining rapidly among all groups, but the rate of decline has accelerated, especially among the young.” This decline is important because it indicates our culture is turning away from an artistic activity that requires engagement, patience, reflection, attention, and creativity and fosters participation in social and cultural activities (vii). All of these qualities are important life skills not only for the individual but for the nation, and their decline makes me wonder what America will look like 50 years from now. Will we find other means of accessing these qualities, or will we become even more driven by the need for immediate satisfaction through media like reality TV and even more dominated by people who understand how to manipulate us through that need?

Based on this decline and on my work as a teacher of reading, I think it is important for me to stay connected to why I read. Like most other people, I don’t enjoy subjecting myself to unpleasant reading just because it is good for me. However, I do think reading broadly is important, particularly reading classics and best sellers, and I invest time in reading books recommended by others that I would not necessarily choose for myself, The Road, Grapes of Wrath, and Three Cups of Tea being my most recent forays into this territory. I also catch up on canonical literature that I haven’t read through the textbooks I use in teaching literature. For example, I’m not a poetry reader for entertainment, but I love analyzing poems. William Stafford’s “Ask Me” is a good example. I don’t know what this poem means. The last line is, “What the river says, that is what I say” (14). OK, great—what does the river say? According to a line earlier in the poem, the river is “silent”! Maybe that’s the point? This is not a fun poem for me to read. It doesn’t resonate with me, yet I enjoy combing through the wording and structure to try and figure out what that last line means. When I do this kind of reading, I find myself thinking about the ideas presented, and I stretch my knowledge and abilities. As Stacy Carleton notes, “literature serves as bridge to the real world and back again” (8). Even literature I dislike provides an opportunity for reflection on life. Sometimes, as with Grapes of Wrath, I fall in love with a book I didn’t even know I would like.

Reading Robert Jordan reminds me of the power of art to transport readers into other worlds, to completely erase the present in favor the emotional and intellectual experience depicted by the artwork. This artistic impact connects me with the events and characters depicted, it connects me with past writers, and it teaches me about history and culture. By walking in the shoes of the characters and experiencing their choices even when or perhaps especially when I disagree with them, I acquire empathy for others because I get to see why they do what they do. I respect their human strengths and failings. I learn to become a better person myself, which means I am better able to contribute to my own life, my family, my workplace, my community, and my nation.

So, given all the benefits of reading good fantasy literature, and despite the success of films series like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, why is fantasy still considered kind of cheesy? Why isn’t it taught alongside classics in college? Why might readers of fantasy be embarrassed to admit they really like the genre? Is there something wrong with it?

Works Cited

Carleton, Stacy. “Heavy Act with Heavy Hearts Relate: Finding Hope in Literature.” Oregon English Journal 32.1 (Spring 2010): 6-9. Print.

Jordan, Robert. Lord of Chaos. New York: TOR, 1994. Print.

Knefelcamp, Lee. “Kolb Learning Style Inventory.” Association of American Colleges and Universities Institute on General Education. Minneapolis, MN: 30 May – 4 June, 2008.

National Endowment for the Arts. Reading at Risk: A Survey of Literary Reading in America. Washington, DC: National Endowment for the Arts, 2004. Web. 26 Sept. 2009. <>.

Stafford, William. “Ask Me.” Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. 6th compact ed. Eds. X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. New York: Pearson-Longman, 2010. 421. Print.


  1. I am embarrassed for your embarrassment! You should shout your geek-ness from the top of the Empire State building!!! It is something to be proud of and lord over the lesser people who aren't geeks and nerds! I know I do.

    I admit that I am not familiar with Robert Jordan. I don't like that kind of fantasy myself, although I am (guilty) a little in favor of the "chosen one" idea. I love the concept of an ordinary person, like, say, just pulling someone out of thin air here, oh, Harry Potter, for instance. Just as an example. He lives this mostly ordinary life and then, BAM! He's expected to save the world. My manuscript deals with a similar sort of thing, although nothing on that scale. It's an ordinary girl thrown into extraordinary circumstances. She grew up completely normally and then has to deal with magic (of a sort) and a new family she never knew she had and a real, honest to goodness soul mate, who she'd die without. I am a big fan of characters walking around with giant secrets they can't share with anyone but the few in their small circle. Ever watch Alias?

    A brief word on LOTR...I was one of the people in costume for the Two Towers premiere. AND PROUD OF IT!!!!!! I watched Return of the King here in La Grande and then again a month later in a big theater in Boise. What a difference watching a movie like that with actual fans of the books!!!

    As to your question - why is fantasy considered cheesy? Even as a fan of Harry Potter and LOTR (NOT Twilight!!!!!) I can see the cheesiness in it and love it all the more for it. Maybe the fact that it is cheesy is why I love it, I don't know. I believe it's like you said: It can take you out of yourself and put you in another world. Is there something wrong with it? Absolutely not. One day I was reading a contemporary romance novel, something fairly straight forward, boy meets girl, they argue and break up for some reason and then get together at the end and live happily ever after. I have piles of the stuff. A male friend of mine came in and told me that it was "worthless." I don't believe there is such a thing as a worthless book. I think there are poorly written books, books with cliche plot lines, books with no substance and two-dimensional characters, but not worthless. My favorite books include stories about a little girl lost in the woods (The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, King), a girl who was supposed to be Cinderella but instead became the Kingdom's Fairy Godmother (The Fairy Godmother, Lackey), a man who was taking a day tour of space and ended up stranded alone to die circling the Earth (Orbit, Nance), and hundreds of nameless women who wanted a little bit of romance, or at least a husband who didn't beat them and ended up with the love of their lives (almost every other book I own, various authors). I can go on and on about books here but I will shut up. Suffice it to say that 'different strokes for different folks,' applies here. If some stuffy literature professor (not you, of course) doesn't think that fantasy is worth learning about, then I don't want to learn from that professor! So there!

  2. Nancy,

    I enjoyed reading your post. I found a lot of your comments were very similar to my research although you were dealing with the aesthetic form of reading and my research was directed more toward efferent reading. I think the declines in both styles of reading are very similar and it is directed at our cultural priorities. I feel our nation has become in need of immediate gratification and has very little commitment toward things that require any amount of effort. Examples are watching a movie instead of reading a book, eating fast food instead of going to the grocery store and cooking etc... As I have watched this current generation grow up (speaking of todays H.S students) it is amazing how much there generation has changed from mine (last year of the baby boomers, '64). I also am interested to see what there world will look like in 50 years. I think it will be much different than it is today.

    As for your question, why are readers of fantasy embarrassed to admit they enjoy reading that genre? I do not have a good answer. I would guess that it may be a cult following similar to "Trekies" (Star Trek lovers), and that the number of readers do not exist to make this a main stream group. The fear of being different may cause these readers to not admit they enjoy these types of books. I don't feel there is something wrong with this type of reading, rather, not many people are familiar with these books and therefore lack the understanding.

  3. I think that the only reason geekiness is associated with this kind of literature is the people that do dress up in costume and go to the movies. I think it is seen as geeky because most of these people are grown people and it is hard for us as a society to accept that grown up people still have child like imaginations. It also seems a little obsessive when they are sitting there in costume sometimes camping out to be the first to see the movies. This same geekiness or obsessive seeming behavior can also be compared to the women who are obsessed with the Twilight movies and call themselves twihards. While I do enjoy the Twilight movies I defnitely would not call myself a twihard especially since I haven't read even one sentence of the series.
    I myself do not read these kinds of books because they actually have too much detail for me. I like simplistic books that tell a little detail, but keep it more on the actual story. Many of the books like Harry Potter and The Lord Of the Rings are just to descriptive for me. They also involve made up places and items that I struggle to pronounce. There is nothing wrong with someone who does enjoy these books, I would say that it means they have more imagination then people like myself. So keep reading those books and let people know you do.

  4. Thanks, Jennifer, Kevin, and Mary for your comments.

    Jennifer, regarding the "chosen one" idea, I really do like regular people coming out of nowhere to be heroic. What disappoints me is when they have to have some blood relation to someone else to explain that heroism. That suggests a kind of dynasty of heroes rather than everyday people being heroes.

    Regarding the books you mention, I like an adaptation of "Beauty and the Beast" called The Fire Rose, which is also a romance, by Mercedes Lackey. I often go back to that book when I am feeling depressed. The heroine starts out impoverished, takes a governess job, and ends up in a big, rich house with great clothes and a delicious bath tub--what could be better than that?

    Regarding role-playing, I have a friend in the Society for Creative Anachronism and have attended some events in costume with her. While I appreciate the historical research required and the enthusiasm, I just can't role-play. I feel like one of the kids who goes to Narnia--Susan, I think--and then grows up and find herself wearing nylons. I don't know how it happened, but I can't fully get back.

    Kevin, I feel the same disconnect from the current generation. I used to be on the cutting edge in the 90s, writing my own webpages. Now, I don't have cable or a cell phone, and when I travel, I surf channels and am often horrified with the kind of material people will watch, especially "reality" shows, which, though they are filmed in the moment, are often a distortion of reality, just like most other media. I wonder how to raise young people to be good people in this environment. I didn't expect to be a crabby over-40, but I guess I am!

    Mary, I can relate to your comments about the made up places. I've been participating in a writers' group, and many of the other writers are writing memoirs and other more "normal" kinds of texts. They have to just skim over the names of things. It has been a good challenge to bring my fantasy writing to these people. They are always supportive, even if they don't really get what I'm trying to do. That has been a good lesson for me. Nancy

  5. Hi Nancy,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post. While I currently spend most of my precious spare reading time learning about history there is something to be said about diving into a make believe world where anything is possible and ordinary people are capable of extraordinary feats. I read the Hobbit for the first time when I was 12 and have since read it several times. I think we live in such a "discovered" world where everything has been explored and documented that we need those types of books more than ever. I can go to "Google" maps and look at any place on the planet, great for entertainment value and road-trips but it really puts the state of currtent affairs in perspective. If you can think of it somebody has probably already been there or done that. I still think the world is an amazing place and Im sure their are many compelling discoveries that are just waiting to happen but I do think that we need those make-believe books more than ever. Take care!

  6. Nancy,

    I will admit I have, on occasion, watched a reality show or two and I do enjoy American Idol. However, I often look at the people on those shows and consider them to be the minority. Meaning I don't feel like they are a good representation of the average person or society in general. More and more I feel like I am the minority and as we move into the future we will see values that were once mainstream move to the background and even parish. Reading has deffinately suffered with the introduction of the internet and cable TV. What will be next?

  7. Nancy,

    As an instructor of reading are you familiar with Rosenblatt's Transactional Reading Theory? If so I would be very interested to hear your opinion. Have you ever experimented with it?

  8. Wow! You are writing a book! You are amazing! I would love to read it when you are done, when you are famous!!!!

    I started thinking if I have ever read a fantasy book. Maybe 1 or 2, but not enough to remember. I think that is because I like a "chick" book as my husband calls it. I tend to like a text that appeals to my emotions, but never really thought of a fantasy book appealing to them. I could be wrong.. Now if I were to go and pick out a movie to watch, I don't pick out action or fantasy. That is what my husband likes to pick out. He loves Star Trek, Star Wars, so I wonder if that is what the author is trying to appeal to to get men interested in reading??? This could play a little part in it, since men tend to like the abstract and work better in facts and women are more emotional by nature... Who knows?? I will have to think on this for a bit.

    About your third point, remembering why we read to keep us motivated to read. I have to keep this in mind, because my husband gives me a hard time for reading so much. He is finally accepting that that is how I am.. an avid reader for sure. We didn't have TV when I was growing up, so I tend to want to read more than watch TV to this day. It helps me to block out stress and sleep better by unwinding first.

    Thank you for these thoughts. Hope to see your book soon!!!

  9. Hi, Jason, Kevin, and Paulette. Thanks for posting comments! Jason, I like the idea of fantasy literature as a kind of "final frontier." I do think we need some unexplored places to keep us engaged and striving for more, and I like thinking of literature that way.

    Kevin, yes, I like Rosenblatt's theory. It grounds the way I teach literature in the sense that I don't expect students to read my mind to find the one interpretation of a text, as my high-school teacher did, but rather, I expect each reader to have his or her own interpretation. That's where the richness of literature classes come from.

    Also, I like the way Rosenblatt splits reading into two types: efferent and aesthetic. The first is reading for information, and the second is reading for artistic pleasure. They operate differently, and some readers like one more than the other. I tend to like aesthetic reading better and master information better when it's conveyed in an artistic form. I'm not a very fast efferent reader, and I lose track of information presented that way. I do think these two forms demand we teach the different kinds of reading differently. Trying to teach aesthetic reading as a fact-finding mission pretty much kills the pleasure of that experience. Maybe that's one of the reasons why the numbers of people reading literature are down--teaching methods that fail to recognize pleasure as a factor in aesthetic reading are turning students off from it.

    Paulette, you comment about "chick" books reminds me that there are a lot of fantasy books written by women these days. They often incorporate an element of romance because many female readers enjoy that kind of story, but they also have all the fun of other fantasy stories--swords, magic, adventure. I like Martha Wells for this especially.

    I am surely a reader like you--I love movies but find watching screens stressful. I always read for awhile before going to sleep to ease the anxiety of the day. Thanks for your comments. Nancy

  10. I will have to try Martha Wells. I guess I need to branch out in my reading selection. Thank you for enlightening me on this topic.

  11. I think the reason many people find fantasy literature as geeky is because it seems to be always those types of people who read it. Many introverts and less social people turn to these types of stories simply to get lost in them and be in a different world. I think it has become a stereotype for people who read and this is why it is embarrassing to some. I don't think there is anything wrong with liking fantasy literature and being proud that you do. I love Harry Potter, but that seems to be the only fantasy novel I have read. I think that people who do read these types are just people who love to read and are willing to delve into a new world and get away from reality for a little while. Very interesting post, and it makes me think much more about why I read the novels I do. Hmm?????

  12. Hi, Amber. Thanks for your post. Yes, I do think there is a personality component to our reading. Because I seem to fall into the most introverted category, fantasy, and probably reading in general, would be a natural. I wonder what kind of reading extroverted people like? It would be interesting to map genre against personality type. Nancy
