Thursday, October 8, 2009

Blog Entry 4: Quote-Response

I think "Miss Brill" is a sad story. Here is this woman who lives alone on a limited income, and she gets all gussied up to go out on Sunday and sit with other people. She doesn't interact with them, but she imagines herself as part of the "play" (86). On this day, the conversation she overhears upsets her because the careless young people make her see herself as they see her instead of the "performance" she imagines herself part of (86). The quote that really conveys her disillusionment is when she puts her "dear" fur back in its box: "But when she put the lid on she thought she heard something crying" (87). I think the words "lid" and "something crying" are important. The lid suggests something is being closed. Perhaps a chapter in her life has now ended because she sees her own life as sad and small. The "something crying" almost seems to be the fur that is her friend. Yet, of course, part of a dead animal can't really cry. So, maybe she is projecting the way she herself feels onto the fur. She is so devastated that she can't cry, so she imagines hearing something outsider herself crying. I think that dislocation from her own feelings emphasizes the pain of her realization.


  1. Hey,

    I like the analogy connected to your quote. I agree that the lid closing is connected to her realization that another chapter in her life has closed. I feel like this as well adds to the organization of the story. Kind of gray and gloomy in a sense. Also her hearing something cry would make sense. If you can't cry yourself why not act like you hear something crying. It then maybe gives her something to have emotion towards, which we all know she needed some of that in her life. :)

  2. hey nancy,

    i agree with what you had to share about the quote and what you think it means and reflects. i think it is important to hear others opinions and receive feedback, it helps people get better ideas and become better peop-le in the long run having resources.

